Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Inspired Searching

The subtitle of this blog is In Search of Inspiration. In this season of gift-giving, I'm in search of the inspiration to buy gifts. It's helpful, when the shopping centers are crowded and the days fly by, to be excited about what you're going to give each person. So I'm hoping it'll hit me.

Any day now.

Any day now.

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Broke Science

On Thanksgiving, my little nephew and I hung out in my parents' library, by the fire, looking through books. He pulled them off the shelves, crawled onto my lap, and flipped the pages, while I explained what we were looking at.

I didn't actually know what we were looking at, because we mostly went through old Time/Life books about nature, so I had to read the picture captions and do my best to sound authoritative. Because he's used to storybooks where all the characters say things, including the animals, he would look at each picture and ask, "What he's saying?" And I'd quickly skim the caption and translate it into something incredibly clever, like, "I'm a lizard. I sit on rocks."

He liked the reptile book so much that he asked to go through it again a couple days later, and kept asking for the "poop picture." Except there was no poop picture. There had been a picture of a snake laying eggs -- could that be what he was talking about? How had I managed to convey that laying eggs was similar to pooping? If I were asked to clear up the confusion right this minute, the best I could do would be to tell him that eggs are white (mostly).

Better leave the science to his dad. If the kid ever decides he needs a melancholy metaphor for the futility of existence, then he can come to Aunt Holly: Work is like pooping. No matter how much you've done, you'll eventually have to do more.

PodCandy: Cold-Weather Friend

It's getting nippy out there. But I have a plan.

Fun Size Podcast: Burp II

Keepin' it classy:

Monday, November 22, 2010

PodCandy: Runs in the Family

My latest podcast is up. This one features the brother who often makes his way into this blog.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Points for Honesty?

A couple months ago, several members of my family went hiking. There were points where we had to cross a stream, finding the dry and stable rocks to step on. My brother managed to do this not only with ease, but while holding my two-and-a-half-year-old nephew. At the first crossing, The Neph was nervous, but Bro was reassuring: "Don't worry, I won't drop you. Or, at least, there's an eighty-five percent chance I won't drop you."


I wonder if that was the scientist in him, wanting to be accurate (though how one quantifies the chances of dropping a nephew is beyond my ken). Is it better than promising that nothing bad will happen, only to have Junior bewildered when it inevitably does? Does it not really matter, since it's unlikely that the kid has mastered percentages? Or is Bro just saving up the lies for when he can come up with something awesome?

Example of an Awesome Lie
What do you mean, you don't want to eat the stewed beets on your plate? I don't see any stewed beets. I just see what I got at the park yesterday. Did you know there was a dinosaur walking through the park two nights ago? I know because he pooped on his way, and I shoveled up some of the poop and brought it home and heated it up. That's dinosaur poop on your plate. We can't be sure, but there's a chance that, if you eat it, you'll gain a hundred pounds overnight, and grow green skin and a tail. There's no way to find out whether it will happen unless you eat it and go to sleep right away.

There's an eighty-five percent chance that that would get me to eat stewed beets.

Gary: Landlord of the Flies

I had a chance to read it, because I was at work, and what else was I going to do?

Verdict: Funny.

And cathartic. if you've ever had the pleasure of interacting with someone who's mentally disturbed, and not even in a fun way. Not everyone with psych issues is quirky and adorable. How could the movies be so wrong about this? Often, these folks make their problems yours, and you're left making your way through a lawsuit and blogging about it. Not that I would know anything about that.

Anyway, here's the link, to save you the trouble of Googling it yourself and wearing out your fingers:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

This Chick is Funnier than I

And using "I" instead of "Me" in the title is my feeble attempt to make up for it. Is that a predicate nominative? I don't even know.

Her site is called Hyperbole and a Half: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/. I've added a link in the right-hand column, too.

Jealousy aside, I've only read one post so far, and I'm already willing to recommend it to everyone. I also want to check out one of the blogs she has a link to, because it has the best name ever: Gary, Landlord of the Flies.

Warning: It might make you snort with laughter at work if you read it at work like I read it at work, so you'll want to keep that in mind if you read it at work.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

PodCandy: The Big Note

I have more than the one embarrassing moment:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Super Holly

Like Super Grover, only whiter and less furry. I am defending your eyes from the spammy comments that have been plaguing my blog lately.

And to the machine that's trying to post them: I do not need Levitra, and I'm not sure what Propecia is for. If I one day require them, I'll Google it myself, thanks.

And in the Days to Come...

... I may play a few hands close to the chest. But I'm becoming ever more confident that while I may not know what God is up to, I've got a pretty good idea of what He's up to. Ha ha!

Monday, November 08, 2010

All New PodCandy: Undogly

This is new even for those who listened ahead the first week!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

So, What About Nov. 4?

It came and went. Even if I had the date wrong, and it was really Nov. 6 on which I moved to Maryland, we hit that day today. My circumstances have not changed over the last two days. And the truth is that Nov. 4 is the date that I had set.

The big point of praying a prayer with a date was that I wouldn't be able to let myself or God off the hook. If I'd simply prayed, "Lord, please do this soon," and it didn't happen in six months, or a year, or twenty years, then the fact remained that to God, a thousand years are as a day, so maybe in His eyes we hadn't outrun "soon." But I prayed for changes by Nov. 4. I know when that is.

I also wanted changes that were unquestionable, not open for interpretation. If I continue to take classes and pursue interests outside work, the way I've done for the past 2 1/2 years, does that count as the change? If I've got a guy or two who might like me but hasn't really asked me out yet, does that count as the change? It could, but it wasn't the kind of change I'd asked for. I'm still single and I'm still in the same job. I wanted those things to change.

That's not to say that I don't see God at work, and that I don't believe He's got things going on that I can't see. I do, on both counts. But I wanted to be honest as I blogged this process, whatever happened or didn't happen, and the honest truth is that I didn't see the changes I'd hoped for. Now that I've passed Nov. 4, I don't plan on changing the terms of the prayer retroactively, to try to make things fit. It's entirely possible that I crested some kind of hill on Nov. 4, and that change will happen quickly from here; but that's not what I'd asked for. It's possible that this whole process, with the praying and hoping and blogging, was great for me spiritually and changed me on the inside; but while I did want those internal changes, they are not all I'd asked for.

I'm confident that God can handle His own reputation. He's knows what I prayed. He knows what I blogged. He knows what He's up to. It's not up to me to spin it, or act as His PR rep.

What is up to me is to try to find that balance of honesty and discretion. Being honest is hard, not just because there's a temptation to present a certain kind of story, but because my thoughts and emotions are complicated, and the very act of trying to sort through them, put them into words, and place them in some kind of comprehensible order for people, necessitates some simplification. But I'm trying to simplify honestly :-).

So, the fact is that I didn't see the concrete, undeniable changes in my circumstances that I'd hoped for. But at the same time, the truth is that I'm fine. I'm even fine with the being fine, which had been a point of concern for me. You may remember that I was tired of absorbing disappointment as if it were my lot. I don't feel like I'm doing that here. I feel hopeful for my future, even if I'm back to wanting changes "soon." I do wonder what the whole Nov. 4 thing was about, in God's eyes, and perhaps I'll spend some time asking Him and see what He says. In the meantime, my dreams haven't gone anywhere. I'd still like to go on dates and have fun, and eventually meet the guy who adds so much to my life that I can't not have him. And I still want to spend my days doing work that feels purposeful and enjoyable and suitable to me.

Thanks for sticking with me through the ride.

Thursday, November 04, 2010