Sunday, March 02, 2008

18 Wheels a-Rollin'

Last night I saw Smoky and the Bandit for the first time. That is one classic piece of American cinema! I knew it existed but it hadn't solidly registered in my consciousness until the My Name is Earl episode where Randy wants to go to the Camden County fair and see the Trans Am Bandit drove in the movie. Then the Jerry Reed song, East Bound and Down, played while Earl and Randy messed with some poor guy's golf game (you kind of have to see it). Now that I understand what it's about, I can't get that song out of my head. Which is fine. I like it.

East bound and down
Loaded up and truckin'
We're gonna do what they say can't be done...

I've long thought I had a redneck in me trying to get out, and this movie is bringing it that much closer. Now I want a cool "handle." I want a basset hound named Fred. I want to get messed up in a bar brawl and somehow enjoy it. I want to race some Coors across state lines with Sheriff Buford T. Justice on my tail.

But mostly I want to have witty CB chatter.

After that movie, my life seems so... below the speed limit.

1 comment:

Marquioni said...

Hey you know we get "My name is Earl" dubbed in spanish here, but it´s still amazingly funny. I think that´s were I got most of my understanding of the concept of "karma". It seems like a coherent manifestation of some great, just and wise universal law of cause and effect. Do you think there´s a Christian version of this, or is it just a weird buddhist thing?
As long as your spirit is above the speed limit, that´s what matters most!