Thursday, October 06, 2011

Israelite in the Desert. And Flossing

I am an Israelite in the Desert. You may have caught that from the title. Here's what I mean:

The Israelites were in a bad situation that they didn't like (slavery in Egypt -- I doubt I'd like it, either). God got them out of there, and they were headed toward a land that would be great. But they had to go through the desert to get there. God hadn't given them a map, or even paved roads, but He went before them in a way that they could see and follow -- a pillar of cloud during the day, and a pillar of fire during the night. And he provided manna, a bread-like substance that appeared like dew every morning, but would only last for that day, so you had to collect it each day and couldn't stockpile it.

That's me. I didn't want to be in my day job, and God got me out. I have an idea of where I want to go (Musician Actress Comedian Writer Princessdom), but not much of an idea of how to get there. God hasn't given me a map, so I have to check in each day and see what inspires me and what opportunities present themselves.

Eventually, the Israelites got tired of wandering and started grumbling that they would have been better off if they'd stayed in Egypt. I'm not there yet. I can imagine, though, that if I get towards the end of my severance and still don't see a land of milk and honey on the horizon, I may begin to ponder what kind of new day job I might hate the least.   

But like I said, I'm not there yet. I really, really hated my job, and most of the other jobs I've had, and am in no hurry to have another. I'm not opposed to work itself; I just want to find something that doesn't make me hate my life.

In the meantime, I have days to fill that don't have much outside structure. That's interesting. I'm keeping a list of what I do each day, to prove that I did, in fact, do stuff. I have time to do workout videos, floss regularly, and get enough sleep. And I've been looking for activities that I think I would actually enjoy, mostly acting-related. 

Nope, definitely don't miss the job.

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