Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Am a Horrible Person. Also, I Played My Trombone

Today, I was finally honest enough to get somebody good and mad at me.

In other news, I've taken out my horn a couple times now. I expect it will be a long, slow process, getting back in shape. My breath is shaky. My left hand and wrist (which bear all the weight) are weaker. My tongue is slow. But the great thing is that I don't have to do any of this. I can spend the next year doing nothing but warm-ups, without the pressure of making a piece of music sound good. Or, I can focus only on the music I find fun, and not be accomplished in all styles for the sake of being a well-developed musician. Or I can just learn one song and play it everywhere and be absolutely dreadful at everything else. At this point, I don't think any of my local friends has heard me play, so anything they hear will be revelatory, even if it's just some simple honks.

And truth be told, my honks ain't sounding too bad.

I'm finding my voice in more ways than one :-).


Bro said...

Great stuff. All of that makes me happy.

Dealing with your... uh... acquaintance sounds like an episode of Cops in which the drunk criminal starts slinging ridiculous counter-accusations in a comical effort to save face.

Nice work on the horn, though I think you should start with the sackbut.

Holly said...

I'm picturing a sitcom scenario where I get on a roll with the honesty and end up saying all kinds of inappropriate things to people at, say, Thanksgiving dinner. Something to look forward to!

I shall always have sackbut in my soul.