Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Free Horribleness

Hi, guys! It looks like you can watch Dr. Horrible for free now, because they're showing it with commercials or something like that. So, in case the whole payment thing turned you off last time, here's another shot:

There's a button for "watch it right now."

Sample lyric, to whet your appetite:
This is his dry-cleaning bill -- four sweater vests!


Marquioni said...

Warning: Holly´s international audience from outside the US will get the following message while trying to link this: "We´re sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed within the United States". I feel so discriminated!!
:). Please forward this complaint for me.
Whatever happened to the "evergreen theatrical people" reality??

Anonymous said...

C'mon, Toots, you're slackin'! Time for something new!!