Thursday, May 21, 2009

Monster in the Making

My last post was partially about the joys of being away from one's desk during the workday. Well, last week I got to have that twice! My company brought in a fellow to give some day-long workshops on giving powerful presentations, and I signed up for both Levels 1 and 2.

I don't give presentations at work. I barely even interact with people. It's a wonder I can physically speak at all anymore. But I've always been drawn to public speaking, so I signed up with my boss's blessing.

It surprised me when I first heard that more people fear public speaking than death. But in a perverse way, I find this encouraging. I figure it means that if I think it sounds fun while the rest of the world thinks it sounds scary, then maybe it's one of the things I was born to do. And I don't have as much competition to worry about ;-).

That doesn't mean I don't get nervous. I do. But people say even that is a good sign, because it means you care, and some adrenaline, when well channelled, can keep you on your toes and make you more effective. I experienced this as a musician, so it's not utterly foreign. Always good to be reminded that nerves don't have to be a bad sign.

The guy who led our workshops was nicknamed Meech, and he's had a career impressive in its levels of fun. At least, I was envious. He'd been a radio DJ, and then he interviewed famous musicians on TV in the early days of VH1. He's chatted with BB King, Sting, Eric Clapton and Phil Collins! I wanna do that!

Can I share my excitement with you? Meech was positive with everyone, but I don't think it was all in my head that he was especially effusive in his compliments to me. He said that someday I could be a "monster" and "a force to reckon with" in the public speaking department. Golly, I'd like that.

Furry Holly Monster like public speaking. Rowr.


Anya said...

That's awesome! Now you just have to reconcile your desire to dominate in the world of public speaking with your other desire--to be the woman inside the Wally the Green Monster mascot suit at Red Sox games! (You'd be great at either, for the record...)

Holly said...

I know, totally opposite, right? I'm a woman of many contradictions ;-).