Monday, May 25, 2009

Lunging Buster

Buster is the pudgiest pug I've ever seen. He's quite the little sausage. You can hear him breathing from the other end of the house. Poor little guy.

My roommate Maria is dogsitting this fellow for the foreseeable future, and she's taking it upon herself to restore him to fitness. As Buster is not a big fan of walking (and you know a dog is out of shape when it doesn't want to walk!), she's applying her equestrian background to getting him some exercise. You know how they'll tie a horse to the end of a long pole and let him trot around in a big circle for a while? Apparently that's called lunging. And Maria's contrived a way to do this with Buster. She attaches his harness to a curtain rod, and holds the rod while sitting in a swivel chair in the middle of the living room. Then she makes Buster walk in circles for 15 min. every day. That's fifteen minutes of serious wheezing, and a few attempts to sit down. But Maria's pretty good at the tough love with Mr. Pudge.

Depending on how much help I can wrangle from my roommates, who are technologically more sophisticated than I (surprise), I might see if I can get some recordings of the Sausage making his various noises and post them here. In spite of all my literary pretensions, I am unable to convey these sounds in words.

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