Monday, October 26, 2009

I Understand about Indecision

So, I got a response from my improv director and, long story short, she's encouraging me to stick it out through the term. She sees me as on the verge of a breakthrough.

I don't think I made it clear to her that I was only planning on taking a break, not quitting forever. Still, I wasn't expecting encouragement, and it's thrown me into confusion again.

I'm still leaning toward letting this be my last night for a while. Because I like the idea of not having to worry about it. Six more weeks of rehearsals and shows sounds long.

I don't need anyone else's blessing to quit. But as Mr. Bingley said in Pride and Prejudice, "I should like it all the same."

I'm inclined to trust that my breakthrough will still be there, waiting for me, whenever I decide to come back.

Lord, help me to make a good decision.

1 comment:

Ben said...

As a fan, I'm concerned. ;)

Seriously, I didn't realize improv wasn't fun any more. Why is that? Is it possible that there's a way to make it fun again?

You're so good at it, and it seemed to give you more joy than anything I've ever seen you do; I guess I don't understand why you're considering quitting.

Of course, I don't want this message to sound like I'm pressuring you not to quit. Just wondering what you're thinking about...