Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Phone Follow-Up

Well, I talked to the supervisor. It was helpful in that he had lots of suggestions as to why our service might be spotty. It was unhelpful in that it was all spoken in a way that suggested it's because my housemates and I are too stupid to use a phone line, and he's doing me a favor by talking to me. The thing is, I'm not technical, I don't know my routers from my filters, and even if I put on a confident voice, I'm probably not going to impress anyone with my knowledge of my own computer set-up. What I do know is that everything worked fine until we started making changes to our Verizon account. When I call them on it, either their knowledge is too limited to fix my problem, or they fix it but it comes back, or now I get a guy who makes me feel like it's my fault for not using all their shiny new equipment, which they'd be happy to send us (and bill us for).
Not OK. Not OK. Not OK. And now, in addition to this being not OK, I feel chastened. I didn't back down, but I feel like I need to go check all our home equipment for weaknesses, and I have no idea what I'm looking for. And it worked before, darn it! Do they do this on purpose? Do they work it so you have to buy the new stuff? Can they do that?
I'm still at work, at 6:45, trying to fix this. I gotta go home.

1 comment:

Orion Count Drulzelot said...

Did you say, "Hey, Skippy, why don't you just haul your ratty carcass over here and take a look for yourself?!" Then ask to speak with HIS supervisor. Makes you want to do something else with the phone other than talking on it....