Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Verizon, Again

We're still having trouble. Our email systems are not functioning. And our Internet service is down yet again. How many times has that been now -- once a week at least, right?
FOS, you mentioned a Chapter 39A letter in one of your comments. Can you elaborate on that? Something needs to be done. Not only do I need to find a way to get them to fix our problems and stop them from coming back, that company needs to know what's wrong with its service. I don't know how such a big company can be successful with so many whopping shortcomings in its service.
In a way, it makes it harder that the phone reps are friendly. I know what it's like to be in customer service, so I don't want to yell at them, because it's not directly their fault that our Internet service bites. But I'm beginning to think that yelling at someone may be the only way to get a satisfactory resolution to our problems. That's no way to run a company, and I intend to tell them so in writing.
In the meantime, if anyone else has any ideas about what kind of action to take, I'm open to hearing them. My idea is to write letters to high-level Verizon executives, then stick those letters to arrows and shoot them into the tires of those executives' cars. Would it be too much to set fire to those arrows? Could the smell of burned rubber total a car the way skunk smell can? Mmmm, burning rubber...
This is so not OK. I am actually on hold right now, waiting to talk to a supervisor. I never ask to talk to a supervisor. But I'm responsible for the bills in our house, and with that comes the task of resolving issues with the companies that bill us. Every day my roommates go without Internet service and/or email, it severely inconveniences them and weighs on me. I may not be willing to fight for myself, but I'm not just Holly-angry, I'm whole-household-angry. I'm a hibernating bear, and she's slowly stirring. If Verizon looks cross-eyed at a cub, it will not be pretty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go get 'em, Toots! You also might want to consider changing companies for one that actually provides service if it's possible for you in your location. And by the way, Bill Bob Joe Ray Ed was beaned, not beamed. But you're still in the will.