Monday, December 20, 2010

Reversing the Polarity

For about as long as I can remember, I've had a sweet tooth. Several sweet teeth, really. Just a few teeth that weren't sweet teeth, really. I'm known for it. It's kind of my thing.

Over the last few years, I haven't been able to hold my sugar like I used to. Your body starts to let you down as you get older, and mine has been letting me down by getting headachy or otherwise icky when I eat more than three times the amount of dessert a normal person would eat in a day. The injustice!

Now, something even more frightening is happening. A shift in the tectonic plates at the core of my being: I've been craving salt more than sugar.


It's a change in my identity -- in the way I perceive myself, and my place in the world. Who am I if not the girl who can be counted on to eat her weight in chocolate and peanut butter?

My tenuous grip on reality may be the next thing to go.

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