Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today I Learned

... that it hurts my feelings when other people complain about snow. I suppose it's because I identify with it. They may as well insult my family, women, America, the trombone, and anything else that makes up my sense of self. When folks start whining about how a few inches ruined their awesome plans, what I hear is, "The things you like are inconvenient and stupid, and I'm not going to shut up and let you enjoy it."

But I'm determined to enjoy it anyway.

Also, consider geography, people. I wouldn't move to Florida and complain about the sun and old people. I live up North and I have a right to snow a few months out of the year.

I'm not telling anyone that they shouldn't feel what they feel. If they're naturally averse to snow, then that's their prerogative. I just ask that they don't act as if their feelings are the only right way to feel.

And I wonder: Do people start out hating snow, or is that something that comes with adulthood? Do you know any kids who dislike snow? I've never met one. And if loving snow is something that we grow out of, then I wonder if it's actually something precious and worth reclaiming.

Adulthood ain't always best.

I'm still praying for some white stuff to fall.

1 comment:

Helen said...

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who hears things that people don't say outright. People complain about snow to you and you hear it as a personal insult. I'm the same way. People say stuff about things that are important to me, dismissing it as if it's silly for me to be nervous about something and it annoys the hell out of me. I know it's not necessary to be nervous and that I'll be fine but so what! I can still be nervous and why should someone say that's not okay just coz they think it's stupid? I hear you Holly! Stand by your guns!
P.S. You are right anyway! Snow is freaking awesome!!!