Monday, August 31, 2009

The Opposite of Playfulness

I'm learning to loosen up and be more playful, but it's hard. It's hard because I care about doing things well, and how things turn out, and my assumption has always been that that requires a certain amount of vigilance. I think playfulness and vigilance are opposites in that way.

If it's OK to get one's knowledge of cowboys from Tim McGraw songs (and why wouldn't it be?), you're not supposed to worry about the fall. You just ride the bull with all you've got. I'm generally not so good at that. When I land, I think "Dang, I landed. That wasn't cool." And I want to avoid it.

So I'm on the hunt for the cowboy in me. Or my inner knife juggler. Or stunt pilot. Or whatever other profession involves near-crazy levels of not-focusing on the potential hazards, and keeping your eye on the sparkly prize instead.

Oh dear. My job in publishing production is all about project management and spotting problems before they become problems. Vigilance. Undoubtedly a useful skill, but hmmm.

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