Monday, June 28, 2010

That Middle Part

Mondays, between work and my sketch class, are the perfect time for blogging. It would be a waste of time to travel home and then back again, so I kill time at my desk, and maybe walking to class in a slow, roundabout way.

So, here's how the whole Nov. 4 prayer thing is going: I'm in that middle place that I thought I might end up in. The long stretch of highway on a road trip. The initial excitement has waned, and the end is still far enough away that I'm not too worried about it yet. Just over four months left. I know the kinds of changes I'm hoping for happen all the time, but they don't always happen to me. They seem huge, like asking to win $20 million in the lottery, or for snow on a particular day in July. Part of me has, almost against my will, already prepared for nothing to be different come Nov. 4. Which is why this whole thing is bigger than me. It can't just come down to my effort, my faith, my whatever.

Well, we're almost in July. So come on, Snow, come to mama.


Marquioni said...

Hey Holly its snowing heaven here and we´re in July!!
Hold on to your dreams friend!,they are the true magic in your life and will be well worth the wait,
Take care, friend Holly :)

Holly said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Marco! Enjoy the pretty snow, and keep warm :-).

Holly said...
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