Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ursa Major

I suspect that I am a bear.

I've suspected this for a while -- that I'm not as tame as I appear to be. That lurking somewhere inside is something big and dangerous, and I've spent the past few decades working hard to be nice because I know I could do some real damage if I wanted to. Not that I'm not genuinely nice. It's just that I'm not as safe or as easily trod upon as one might think, based solely on the goofy exterior.

This bear is not a bad thing. It's good, and it's what I was meant to be. And I'm slowly growing into it.

It's not often that I'm visibly upset. So when I get to the point where it is visible, it's time to take me seriously. It's not time to question me as if I haven't thought through the issue, or as if I don't have good reasons for feeling what I feel. It's not the time to play devil's advocate. I'll just get meta-angry at the fact that my anger is not being respected. And while a person could still probably presume upon my self-control and poke me with sticks, I suspect the day is coming when I'll learn to stop apologizing for being big and having claws and eating meat, and when I rear up and roar they're gonna feel real dumb standing there with that stick in their hand.

A growl begins, deep and low.


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