Saturday, March 14, 2009

Angry Idiot

Ever smack face-first into the reality that you can be a real ass? Don't you hate that?

I did it today. So convinced that I was right, furious and indignant, ready to rip somebody a new one. Then I realized I was wrong. Crap. Much prefer it when the facts back up my self-righteousness. Stupid facts.

But I can be thankful for this: No new one was ripped. I learned of my idiocy before I had a chance to inflict it on the world at large. I'm crediting God with snatching me back from the brink of hurting a friendship.


Marquioni said...

Holly, I am glad you saw the light on this, but some american slangs are new to me, I do not understand what "rip a new one" means, could you please explain?? Is it like getting something new then ripping it? wouldn´t that be strange??

Holly said...

I'll explain that one in an email...