Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Down with Haters

That's it.

People have been so insistent about complaining about the snow -- often in comments after my own Facebook wall posts, wherein I specifically asked that they let me have my fun and not hate all over the snow-- that I've now lost my own joy in it. Instead of being entranced when the flakes fall, I see what they see: A wet, inconvenient mess.

I'm pissed. It was quite disrespectful, really.

They managed to spread their whininess until it seeped into me, and now I have less joy than I used to. And frankly, I didn't have a heck of a lot to spare.

I really wish people would keep their stupid yaps shut when they have nothing but negative things to say.

Except for me, of course, when I'm complaining about the negative people, because that's totally legit.


Ben said...

Negativity about negative people is OK in moderation, I think.

And I'm excited enough about the snow that I'm trying to make a little time-lapse video of it I'm with you on this one!

Bro said...

I have little time for negative people. Let them live in their world and we can be happy in ours. I'm not saying I don't have negative thoughts here and there, but there's no need for perpetual negativity. I'm pretty sure unhappy people love to drag others down with them. Block them out. I love the snow. There are plenty of others who love the snow. Hang with them. Ben, I also love the time lapse idea. Let us know where we can see it when you're done, please!