Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Draw the Line at Coin Slots, Too

I'm a fan of low-rise jeans. We've covered this before, but here's a one-sentence refresher: I'm not an immodest dresser, but low-rise pants fit me better than other kinds.

I thought about not writing this because it's Too Much Information, but what is a blog if not TMI? So, here's the thing: You gotta be careful with the undergarments when wearing the low-risers. Otherwise, you get someone standing behind you thinking, I see she wore the Care Bears today.

So, take caution is all I'm saying.

I'll end it there.


Anonymous said...

OK., Toots, I can hardly wait until you next come home to find out what brought this on.

Anya said...

Yes, Holly, I'm thinking you actually gave us NEI (Not Enough Information)....