Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Another Try With the Photos

OK, at the suggestion of the lovely Sylvia, I put some photos up on Flickr. I haven't figured out how to get them onto the blog, but I've got a web address where you can go see them. I also haven't been able to make it a live link yet. Sorry I'm so bad at this, guys. But at least it's a step. Can you copy and paste this?


Let me know how this works!


Marquioni said...

Holly I saw your pictures! (I saw them on another computer, I think you have to have some sort of special software to see them)

I confess I must agree with you, I mean, Wow you look so beautiful! You are cool in red, though I like your natural color best! :)

Holly said...

Aw, shucks :-).

sylvia said...

hi! i just sent you a flickr message. :)