Thursday, February 28, 2008

Because I Don't Have Much Else to Say...

I'll just clarify that I may have the heart and mind of a poet, but I haven't done the work of one. So, to be fair to my friends who are true poets, perhaps I shouldn't declare myself one yet. Perhaps I'm more of a coccooned poet. My fear of cliche has kept me from seriously trying my hand at it. My experience last week made me think it could be worth getting over the fear, though.

I also learned that poetry can be much easier to appreciate when it's read aloud. I'd heard that poetry is meant to be read aloud, which always struck me as odd. Now I see how much a live performance can bring to it! It was quite fun. I'd recommend it, even to those who don't think they'd like it. You might be pleasantly surprised. Maybe not. But maybe yes :-).

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