Friday, October 03, 2008

"In the Female Prison...

Are seventy-five women
And 'tis among them
I wish I did dwell."

-- from some Irish folk song I heard (sung by men, it should be noted)

That was apropos of nothing.

So, I'm thinking I could use some People. You know, like, "I got people for that," or, "I got a guy." I'd like a tech guy, a financial guy, maybe a clean-up-my-accidental-homicides guy. I'm not big on doing my own dirty work, and while adulthood is great as far as getting to stay up late while watching TV and eating entire pints of Cherry Garcia, it stinks as far as having to be responsible and do lots of boring shit you don't wanna do. Work may build character, but it sure is inconvenient and annoying. I've been earning my own way in the world for almost 10 years now, and that feels like enough to me. When do I get to be The Talent and have other people do the hard stuff I don't like?


Marquioni said...

I can´t help but love when you write like this. On the subject, yesterday in Law School we began talking about criminalization of abortion, and ended up reading an italian translation of "the four loves" by CS Lewis (?¿) and the professor asking if there existed such a machine that could create a "matrix" type of fantasy life, in which all your dreams could come true, perfect job, marriage, etc., but you couldn´t go back to the real world but die while plugged in, would we take it? I was surprised almost everyone in class answered yes and no one said anything about spiritual life. Is there meaning in the hardships, frustrations, sadness of life, besides experience or a sweeter taste of hard earned success??

Elliott said...

I'm challenged by Marquioni's comments and mine sounds trite in comparisson but I just wanted to say that I'd like a 'Hit my snooze button for me' guy (or girl preferably)