Monday, October 02, 2006

Middle-Aged English Guys

My coworker, Ben, walked up to my cubicle around 5:30 today and announced, "I'm going to be a really funny-looking old man." As Ben is currently twenty-six, I wondered what might have started him on this train of thought. What it was, was an eyebrow hair. He had just discovered that he had one very long, curly eyebrow hair. He pulled it out, but is confident that more will follow, and that he is destined to have those wild, unruly, face-dominating eyebrows found on British men approximately age 45 and up, including actors who, presumeably, get paid to be looked at.

Ben told me about some of the options he was aware of, such as eyebrow trimmers. Which leads to the question, Why do so many crazy eyebrow guys fail to take advantage of these things? It does not hurt to trim hair, correct? I seem to remember a Sesame Street bit wherein Grover goes to get his fur trimmed, and he discovers that it doesn't hurt. Why, then, can't a guy just take a pair of little scissors and do some topiary? It's not like he has to pluck like a girl or anything. Ben has as advantage over the old English guys in that he realizes that huge eyebrow hairs do indeed make make an old man far more funny-looking than he would otherwise be.

Some of my writing energy today went into finally typing up a letter to Verizon, which I may post for you all soon. So I hereby thank Ben, who does not have his own blog yet, for giving me permission to tell his eyebrow story here. I couldn't not talk about the eyebrows.

1 comment:

Orion Count Drulzelot said...

Shame on you for not informing Ben he would also have long ear hairs that look like smoke coming out of his ears. You shouldn't keep such information from such thoughtful people. Nah, better yet, you should....
Gotta have some fun, right?