Friday, October 13, 2006

Verizon Letter

As promised.

October 2, 2006

To the Customer Service Manager:

Our household has had three months of incredibly poor service from your company. You should know what’s going on so that you can address these problems within your organization.
· We were forced to disconnect and reinstall phone and DSL service simply so we could change the name on our bill. This is ridiculous, and it was the beginning of a series of difficulties that continues to this day.
· Each time we made any kind of change to our account, service would disconnect without warning. It also disconnected at other random times.
· Whenever service was reconnected, we developed other problems – our email accounts malfunctioned, we couldn’t access certain sites, and we were unable to download anything.
· Verizon never admitted responsibility for these added problems, despite the fact that each new difficulty originated with activity in our Verizon account. What’s more, we were made to feel stupid for not being able to tell Tech Support how to solve our problems. Some reps went as far as to suggest that the technical issues were our fault, thus adding insult to injury.
· Customer Service and Tech Support were slow and sometimes condescending. Being nice got us nowhere. We should not have to be pushy, argumentative and threatening just to get the service we pay for!
· Your call-routing system is atrocious. I suggest you try it yourself to see how frustrating it is. In addition to showing an unwelcoming face to customers, you’re doing your representatives a disservice because callers are doubly angry by the time they’ve battled through the system to get to a person. There were also two times when I didn’t even get that far – I was on hold so long that your system routed my call to New York.
· We’ve wasted countless hours and cell phone minutes trying to get our systems functioning.
This entire experience has been completely unacceptable, and we are now looking into alternative phone and Internet service providers. We sincerely hope you choose to examine these issues so that other paying customers don’t have to suffer the same inconvenience, frustration, and insults.

From your customers at xxx-xxx-xxxx


Anonymous said...

Hey! How'd you get a phone number of xxx-xxx-xxxx ????


Holly said...

I think the point is now that we have it, you can't. Ha ha. Oh, and if you're a real person and not an awful marketing scheme, you'll probably want to come up with a screen name to make sure I don't delete your comments without reading them.